Scratch Cooking Planner

Homestead Skills -Scratch Cooking Workbook PLR

THE HOMESTEAD SKILLS -SCRATCH COOKING WORKBOOK PLR TEMPLATE (36 Pages ) WITH COMMERCIAL USE RIGHTS Many skills are needed on a homestead. One of the most important is cooking for a hungry family after working on the farm all day. This was a skill taught to young people back in the day. But sadly, it’s […]

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Backyard Chicken Planner PLR

Backyard Chicken Planner PLR

THE BACKYARD CHICKEN PLANNER PLR TEMPLATE (30 Pages ) WITH COMMERCIAL USE RIGHTS With the prices of groceries and eggs this year, I’m betting many folks will get a few chickens for their backyard to save money at the store. Did you know back in the day, every family was required to have a flock […]

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30 Day self-love Journal PLR

30 Day Blue Bird Self-Love Journal PLR

THE 30-DAY BLUE BIRD SELF-LOVE JOURNAL PLR TEMPLATE (36 Pages ) WITH COMMERCIAL USE RIGHTS We could all use some self-love every once in a while, and this journal is beautiful inside and out. I added self-love prompts on each page and a take-action section where the customer can start adding those tidbits to their […]

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Vintage Shabby Puppy Kitten Journal Kit PLR

Vintage Shabby Puppy & Kitten Valentine Journal Kit PLR

THE VINTAGE SHABBY PUPPY & KITTEN VALENTINE JOURNAL KIT PLR TEMPLATE (23 Pages in the kit) WITH COMMERCIAL USE RIGHTS Check out this fun paper craft niche that’s all the rage and has been for years. Folks love to take vintage bits of paper ephemera and create beautiful paper journals. I’ve been following people on […]

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T-Shirt Business Planner PLR

T-Shirt Business Planner PLR

THE T-SHIRT BUSINESS PLANNER PLR TEMPLATE (40 Pages + 6 Covers) WITH COMMERCIAL USE RIGHTS This is a hot business right now, many people are looking to start a small business selling T-Shirts both online and at festivals. Jump in on this great low competition niche and provide a much needed planner to those new […]

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Christmas Password Keeper PLR

Christmas Password Keeper PLR

THE CHRISTMAS PASSWORD KEEPER PLR TEMPLATE (10 pages + 1 cover) WITH COMMERCIAL USE RIGHTS This is a great holiday planner you can add to your printables shop, and sell each page as a “One Pager” as I like to call them. But take that a step further and bundle all of them together for […]

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Gamers Journal PLR

GAMERS JOURNAL PLR TEMPLATE (25 pages + 4 covers) WITH COMMERCIAL USE RIGHTS This is a gamer’s dream come true. Something that can be a reference journal to jot down notes for that next adventure. Some tasks in a game take hours to achieve and are sometimes a total waste of time if you’ve forgotten […]

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