Beekeeping Planner PLR

Beekeeping Planner PLR


The Bees need our help and many people have taken on the challenge to start some beehives on their homestead or farm. That’s why this beekeeping planner will be a great help to many newbie beekeepers out there. I enlisted my husband to help me create this planner. When I met him he was a Master Beekeeper at the young age of 18. He’s had his fair share of bee stings that’s for sure.

The Beekeeping Planner PLR Template comes with 33 Pages. It is 100% Unique and made by Michelle of PLR Niche. You also get 5 articles inside the planner of Beekeeping Tips written by the Master Beekeeping himself Mr. B, that would be my husband.

The template is in two sizes, 8.5 x 11 & 8 x 10, Editable PowerPoint Files, PDF File, Font Files, and Commercial Use Rights.

Here’s what you get:

Cover Page
Belongs To Page
Beekeeping Hive Log
Hive Health Log
Undated January-December
Springtime Beekeeping Tips
Beekeeping Tips Making New Beehives
Beekeeping tips Queen Bee
Beekeeping Tips Bee Swarms Explained
Spring Beekeeping Journal Page
Summer Beekeeping Journal Page
Beekeeping Tips Winterizing In The Fall
Fall Beekeeping Journal Page
Fall Beekeeping Journal
Winter Beekeeping Journal
Beekeeping Shopping List
Beekeeping Supply checklist
Beekeeping To Do List
Beekeeping Year In Review
Beekeeping Notes 2 pages
Favorite Honey Recipes
Beekeeping Gift Tags


  • YES Completed product can be sold or given away in PDF format or as a physical or POD product
  • YES Text and images can be edited/deleted
  • YES Can be altered to create new end products
  • YES Can be branded as your own
  • YES Completed product can be added as PDF to paid or free membership sites
  • YES Can be bundled with other products in PDF
  • NO Cannot be copyrighted
  • NO Cannot share the download page with others
  • NO Cannot pass on the PLR rights to others whether for sale, for free or in membership sites. You must sell or give away a completed product only. The PPTX files and PNG/JPG image files may not be passed on.
  • NO Cannot use or Michelle Farmer name on the finished product

Note: You will receive instant access to the product in your PLR Niche account once you complete the shopping cart process. As this is an instantly downloadable digital product, sales are final and no refunds are offered.


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